
The experts

Ending family violence is everyone’s responsibility. What can you do?

Understand the issue, know the signs and learn how to respond to disclosures. That’s where we come in. Specialists in training and education for community and corporates.

Our 3RS training is designed based on the national RECOGNISE, RESPOND, REFER framework. We’ve trained over 14,000 people since 2016 in knowing the signs, feeling confident to respond and how to refer someone to the right services. Our training does more than that though – it gives you a deep understanding of family violence, the drivers in society and how to make a lasting difference in your relationships, family and community.

Explore 3RS

Tailored, unique to industry

Different people from different contexts need tailored learning solutions.

That’s why our family violence training is delivered uniquely to your sector, whether it’s working with youth to understand Intimate Partner Violence or a bespoke training program for Managers aimed at fostering safe and supportive environments for staff members affected by family violence. We’ve worked with large corporate providers, as well as the community centre next door.

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Be part of the solution

Changing legislation has prompted a need for business’ to understand what’s required in their policies, employee capability and wellbeing of consumers.

With a growing recognition of the prevalence of family violence worldwide, organisations are stepping up to play a role in addressing this issue. We work with communities and corporates to elevate our collective impact by providing funded training to groups who need it most.

Partner to educate